For Kat, one of our outstanding Technical Service Delivery Managers, variety is the secret ingredient that makes Life at MMX so exciting. Check out this interview to find out more.
Discover Kat’s journey as a Technical Service Delivery Manager at MMX
When did you join MMX and have you always wanted to work in engineering?
I joined MMX on 17th April 2022 and I’ve always been into practical and physical work.
Can you describe your typical week?
A typical day for me is centred on three key areas:
- Planning and carrying out surveys and installations for utilities companies. It means that I engage with the sites prior to surveys to gain information on what is required from myself prior to the visit and when on site. Carrying out surveys. Then produce a survey report, followed by risk assessment methods statements explaining how the installation is going to be carried out and with what equipment and material. Prior to installation, order the materials and equipment – testing the equipment in-house. Ordering any HSS equipment if required. Completing installation with an installation report.
- Supporting customers with 2nd line support 24/7. Carrying out or organising annual health checks. Investigating issues on customers’ networks when issues occur.
- Testing, monitoring and seeking information on various comms equipment, for a potential roll-out of the equipment to the various projects.
How has your career progressed since working at MMX?
I feel like I’m constantly learning something new. Due to the variety of projects we deal with, each requiring unique equipment resourcing, my understanding of various systems continues to expand. It’s safe to say that no two weeks in my role are ever the same, so it never gets repetitive.
What do you like most about working at MMX?
1. The types of variation within my job role.
2. The people.
3. The good support and assurance that our management gives.
What is it that you love about what we do?
The variation of the service we give.
Can you describe a particularly challenging task or problem you had to solve, and how you approached it?
In one particular project, we procured a VSAT system that needed to be built and tested. However, we were unable to get the modem and the antenna to talk with one another. When speaking with the respective suppliers of the antenna and modem, we discovered that these two components had never been tested together before, and we were the first to try them. We then worked in partnership with the OEMs to get the two systems communicating seamlessly, resolving the issue at hand.
What’s been the best bit of feedback you’ve received from a customer?
As we wrapped up the construction, testing, and delivery of a VSAT system for one of our customers, there was quite a bit of paperwork to complete, including electrical wiring diagrams, general schematics, FAT (Factory Acceptance Testing) procedures, and vendor registers, to name a few. Following the project, I was thrilled to receive an email from our customer, who not only praised the exceptional quality of our documentation but also appreciated the communication we maintained throughout the entire journey.
If you were our Managing Director for the day, what one change would you bring about?
Due to the number of different types of scope of work within MMX and TXO, I’d produce a short video, explaining what each department does in both MMX and TXO for new employees to watch.
What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I had a bunion removed when I was only 24.
What are your favourite flavour crisps?
Salt & vinegar.
What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?
Spending quality time with friends or family.
Which of our brand values resonates with you the most? And why?
Focused – Everybody is extremely driven, and all have the same attitude “ I do not want to let the team or business down”. To all have that attitude it shows the management team is doing everything correctly.
Dynamic – We are not a small family-run business, but it has the feel of one. We are treated with respect and not just a number on the payroll.
What’s your funniest MMX memory?
When a certain member of the team was being such a Christmas humbug.
Thank you for sharing insights into your role at MMX
We hope you enjoyed our interview with Kat Cullern. Feel free to get in touch with us for more inspiring stories and insights from our talented team.