We go above & beyond to ensure every project is a success
What do you think of when considering your network design? It is more than simply building an IP Network to match your clever IP scheme. You also need to consider how your IP nodes are going to be inter-connected, what the network capacity of individual routes needs to be, where you need traffic concentrators, where you may need to architect diverse routing requirements, and where you require IP network resilience. Not forgetting the power system requirements or the need for network cyber security to national standards.
It is complicated, so where do you start with all this? This is where working with us at MMX will bring you rewards. Giving you access to subject matter experts across all facets of network design.
Our experienced network design engineers have worked on IP Network designs for critical national infrastructure projects in the utility industry. Secure IP Networking across IP-based satellite and microwave radio systems as resilient systems for the offshore oil and gas industry as a backup to primary fibre routes.
Working with you to understand the scope of your networking requirements our engineers will design your network for you, end to end. Provide proof-of-concept systems to demonstrate the design delivers your requirements within a controlled environment in our test lab. When you are delighted with our network design, MMX installation and commissioning teams will come to build your solution, test, commission and integrate it into your existing network.
Our designers have successfully delivered IP Networks and systems that now support operational technology IP networks in service with Northern Powergrid, Port of London Authority, Environment Agency, NATS, and the Ministry of Defence.
For the challenging offshore environment, we have designed networks and systems supporting windfarms, oil, and gas platforms, these include IP networking and telecommunication systems for clients and end users including RWE, IOG, Shell, Petrofac, Total, Proeon, and Spirit Energy.
We have all the ingredients necessary to design and build you an excellent, unique network – in a manner that’s guaranteed to fit your business needs.