What is an SLA?
A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commitment between a service provider and a customer that defines a specific set of services and technical quality criteria. It outlines what is expected of the supplier including metrics, responsibilities and expectations to ensure that both parties have the same understanding of requirements.
What kind of metrics should be monitored?
Here at MMX we’re committed to providing our clients with an excellent standard of service. We provide detailed SLA data reports and aim to be transparent in our operations so you can monitor performance. The types of SLA metrics we provide will depend on the services being provided and our clients’ requirements.
Reporting covers all aspects of our repair operations including but not limited to:
- Booking in time
- Repair Turn Around Time (TAT)
- Fault rectification information
- Stock levels
- Stock accuracy
- Beyond Economic Repair (BER) / Beyond Repair (BR) rates
- Repeat return rates
- Warranty rates
- Out-bound processing times
- Trend analysis
- Common failures
- Common repair trends
- Top 10 parts repaired etc.
We can also provide reporting trend analysis on an ad-hoc basis including but not limited to:
- Jeopardy Management SLA / KPI performance / trends
- Detailed fault trend analysis including on-going MTBF calculations
- BER and NFF statistics by SKU to identify associated trends
- Average repair times by SKU to analyse ‘getting harder to repair’ parts
- Obsolescence reporting of key Bill-of-Materials components for key SKU
- Repeat faulty returns at SKU level and at individual serial number level
- Additional Stock Accuracy Information between business systems
Benefits of SLA reporting
SLA reporting is crucial when it comes to service contracts, and there are huge benefits to them. Firstly, SLA reporting enhances communication and collaboration between customer and provider. In addition, telecoms SLA analysis is also very helpful for futureproofing your network. Be proactive when it comes to troubleshooting by auditing existing workflows for improvement and prevent future issues.
If you’re interested in talking to a team member about our bespoke service level agreements, give us a call on 0121 746 5400 or fill out an enquiry form.